Soft Skills Ltd

Our Training Programs

Corporate Staff Training

Our Staff Development programs are in two broad categories:

1. In-House programs

These are customized to fill specific training gaps and are offered at your preferred time and venue. Programs in this category include but are not limited to:

A. Excellence in Customer Service

In today’s competitive market, Customer Service determines the Winners and the Losers This module will incorporate to a large extent, aspects of Effective Communication and Public Relations which forms an integral part of providing Customer Service and is tailored to be industry specific and offered by experienced Customer Service professionals.

B. Continuous Staff Development Program

A Personal and Professional skills Development Program A happy workforce is a performing workforce This program is designed to consistently upskill your team and optimize their performance by supplying both the practical work and life skills necessary to stay above the competition on a personal and corporate level. Working with industry experts in each field, we take the team through a tailor-made program to address the following areas

1. Personal branding and self-awareness

We begin with an Assessment tool which allows the participant to get a candid picture of who they can realistically expect of themselves. After all we cannot change what we don’t acknowledge.

We then go into a detailed personal SWOT.

The participant is able to learn their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to their own 9 dot problem

2. Goal setting

3. Communication

4. Interpersonal Skills and problem solving / Conflict management

5. Professional Etiquette

6.T eamwork and Team leadership

7. Change management

8. Personal Finance management

9. Customer experience

10. Personal health and fitness

11. Career development and growth

12. Experiential training

These and other modules are delivered to fit the specific client’s knowledge gaps

C. Communication Skills Training

Individual and team success depends upon the ability of individuals to communicate with others, face to face, as well as virtually. Every interaction with another person determines how you are perceived and every interaction is an opportunity to develop trust and exert positive influence. This program covers spoken as well as written communication offering practical sessions on presentation and public speaking, report writing as well as online content creation and management.

D. Professional Business Etiquette

Soft Skills to Make you Welcome: These are the Written and unwritten laws of acceptable Social behavior, Decorum, those things we are expected to know except no one has told us. In this Module we address:

E. Editorial Team Success Program

Newsletters, Periodicals, Bulletins, Journals and Annual Reports are a function of Public relations and are a vital source of information from the organization to its stakeholders. They provide a crucial channel by which the Organisation creates and maintains its desired Profile and character. It is therefore vital that the utmost care be taken to make these as relevant and professional as possible. And yet a majority of Editorial Committee members are not professional Journalists. They have the technical knowledge of the Organisation and its operations but lack the skills required to disseminate such information in an interesting and relevant format to capture and retain the attention of their audience The Editorial Team Success Workshop is an intense hands-on boot camp to bridge this gap. In it we shall equip participants with the skills required to make every Publication a must-read thus raising the profile of the Organisation as a whole.

2. Open Entry Training Programs

To download the 2023-24 Training Calendar, click the button below

Personal Development

This Division was created of necessity in June 2020 after the Covid19 Pandemic and the subsequent lock-down that made physical training impossible. Personal Development Training is mainly offered online. The programs offerings under this unit are:

  • Wealth Messenger Program – in partnership with UK based Action Wealth Inc. This is a 6 week program that teaches professionals how to build a business around their areas of expertise and passion. The majority of participants go on to get their books and materials published by our Partner Action Wealth Publishing.

We have published numerous people and allowed them to set up online based business to build wealth and create time freedom.


  • Learning Aloud  Our YouTube channel – Life Lessons by Christine

Team Building

Team building is a great tool for enhancing staff skills transfer, building cohesive work teams, enhancing the development of Soft Skills and above all, eliminating status and other differentials that may have an effect on the teams’ cohesion and effectiveness. It is more effective than class based training as it allows staff to learn experientially. It engages all the senses and provides realistic explanations of rather difficult concepts. If anything, team building is fun way to learn and its impact lasts longer as it is quite memorable.


After a comprehensive Training needs assessment, we create unique experiential programs that are both highly educational and memorable fun experiences.

Archives And Records Management Program

Managing records and information is a pivotal piece in running any organization efficiently. This program is intended to introduce the industry standards in record management and enhance best practices in management of electronic data with a goal to establishing and managing successful organization-wide records management programs as well as mitigate the risks inherent in records management.

This Module is for newcomers to records management, and is also appropriate as a refresher for records veterans. 

Customer Service Excellence Program

In today’s competitive market, Customer Service determines the Winners and the Losers. One of the best investments you can make in your company is to invest in the development, motivation and effectiveness of your frontline employees. This module will incorporate to a large extent aspects of Effective Communication which forms an integral part of Excellent Customer Service.


SOFT SKILLS LTD has provided training and services which have had a very positive impact on improving the quality of service to Clients, as well as developing employee effectiveness. Our Spirit of Excellence in Management practice establishes standards of service designed to elevate the Client experience while building and investing

Editorial Team Success Program

Newsletters, Periodicals, Bulletins, Journals and Annual reports are a function of Public Relations and are a vital source of information from the Organisation to its stakeholders. They provide a crucial channel by which the Organisation to its stakeholders – creating and maintaining the desired profile and character. It is therefore vital that the utmost care be taken to make these as relevant and professional as possible.And yet a majority of editorial committee members are not professional journalists. They have the technical knowledge of the Organisation and its operations but lack the skills required to disseminate such information in an interesting and relevant format to capture and retain the attention of their audience.


The Editorial Team Success Program is an intense hands-on boot camp to bridge this gap. In it we equip the participants with the skills required to make any publication a must-read thus raising the profile of the organisation as a whole. This involves lots of demonstration, exercises and even interactive feedback during the sessionParticipants learn the art of proposing editorial changes other than those required to correct errors or to achieve editorial style

Communication / Presentation Skills Program

Contracts are not necessarily won or jobs secured by the people with the superior product / service – more often by those who make the strongest case – the best presentation. Regardless of your organisation – whether it is a large corporation, a small company or even a home-based business, you need communication skills if you are to succeed.


Since Public Speaking is a necessity of any leadership position, this program imparts the skills to allow you to capture and retain the attention of the audience, to turn on the charisma while being authentic and inspiring, the right use of PowerPoint and the microphone.


This practical module involves sessions of speech writing and delivery with participants giving and receiving feedback from each other 

Personal Branding Program

Your organisation could have the best product or service in the world but if prospective clients don’t like or trust ‘YOU’ and what you stand for, anything thereafter can become irrelevant. 


Every staff member in your Company is the representation of the company. They carry the Company’s Brand and are how the organization is viewed and remembered by the clients


After all, people don’t buy from brands or products, people buy from people


In this module we teach the employee how to make a good first impression, how to make friends and gain the confidence of the prospective client

Staff Wellness Program

Recent studies reveal that 48% of employees worldwide are dissatisfied with their jobs. Many of them feel stressed at the office, and sadly at least 18% are actively disengaged – that is, present at work but hating every minute of it. 


These facts are sobering and expensive. This lack of satisfaction and motivation costs employers a fortune in lost productivity. 

In this module we address the following areas to improve staff ‘wellness’: 

Professional Business Etiquette Program

The ‘soft skills’ that make you welcome 

Etiquette has been referred to as: The unwritten rules of behavior that you are expected to know except no one ever told you. 

The reputation and credibility of your brand rises and falls on how well your staff are able to carry themselves, to interact with stake holders and to represent the organisation. 

Our Professional Business Etiquette Program especially targets seasoned managers as well as new and upcoming leaders to give them the skills to build their confidence and credibility on the understanding that you never go any further than your people-skills will carry you. 

This is a very practical and fun module to equip staff with the do’s and don’ts of: 

Communication Etiquette 
Dress Etiquette
Dining Etiquette

Public Relations And Media Training For Boards And Management Teams

Media can be a leader’s best friend or worst enemy. With the right preparedness one is able to covey messages positively both off the cuff and in in pre-planned press releases. Our program prepares the participant to be assertive while remaining likable and conversational and thus perform well in high stakes media setting. Our goal is to maximize comfort and minimize surprises.
A strong brand, a good reputation is not something that just happens – it is the result of intentional Media Management. Just like with the best speech delivery, any successful interview is nothing other than a rehearsed performance. By using interview simulations and video recording, we seek to give practical skills and experience to even the least experienced participant leaving them confident to face any PR challenges that may face them.This program is delivered by well-seasoned Media and Public Relations professionals with hands on experience in local and international media