Soft Skills Ltd

May 2023

From knowing to doing

Becoming action oriented

Recently after going to bed much later than I am used to; I showed up in a virtual meeting all groggy and sleepy. One of my colleagues suggested I splash cold water on my face to clear the ‘cobwebs’ – I stared at him – do you think I needed to be told that? Of course not! I knew what to do – I just didn’t want to do it. I wanted to go back to sleep!

Very many times it is not that we do not know what needs to be done to accomplish our purposes; it is not doing what we already know.

I am sure you will agree with me if I suggest that there are still some goals in your life that you have not yet achieved – is this so?

Someone once said that success leaves clues – therefore the fastest way to succeed is not trial and error, it is studying what successful people have done before you and just doing the same.

Remember doing the same thing and expecting different results is madness. So, then we are in agreement that we all need to do some things differently.

Let us first look at a few things we know but don’t do:

There are a few areas in which we could use some action in our lives. 

For things to change you have to change. 

It is not what happens to you but what you do with what happens.

In order to archive any of what we are suggesting you have to be in control of yourself – you have to be self-driven – let’s break it down:

You are all getting the same opportunity here. But those who do best at it are those who will take the action needed.

You must be willing to do things today

What others won‘t do in order to have something tomorrow

What others won’t have.

Les Brown

Consultancy Services

This is a smaller unit of the Company and has arisen from demand from our clients over the years. Our Consultancy Department has developed (mainly for state owned organizations / parastatals)

Corporate Training

In house programs. Tailored training programs for specific organizations’ staff to address their particular training gaps. These are held at the client’s convenience on dates and venue

Open entry Programs marketed to private and public institutions who send participants to train on specific areas including and not limited to:

1. Countinuous Staff Development Program

A Personal and Professional skills Development Program A happy workforce is a performing workforce This program is designed to consistently upskill your team and optimize their performance. Working with industry experts in each field, we take the team through a tailor-made program to address each of the following areas

1. Personal branding and Self-awareness

We begin with an Assessment tool which allows the participant to get a candid picture of who they are and what they can realistically expect of themselves. After all we cannot change what we don’t acknowledge We then go into a detailed Personal SWOT. The participant is able to learn their Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to their own

2. Personal Goal setting

Action planning

3. Communication

Written and spoken communication Public speaking and presentation skills Social media communication Body language / unspoken communication. What we’re saying when we’re not saying anything

4. Interpersonal Skills and problem solving / Conflict management

5. Professional Etiquette

The unwritten rules of acceptable conduct Communication Etiquette Dress Etiquette Dining Etiquette Online Etiquette – managing your brand online This program is delivered with real time practical demonstration

6. Teamwork and Team leadership

7. Change management

- Disruption
- Post covid19 realities
- Social media and technology

8. Personal Finance management

- Identifying money personality and blocks
- Debt management – good v/s bad debt
- Retirement planning
- Investment options

9. Customer experience

10. Personal health and fitness

11. Career development and growth

- Identifying opportunities in the current landscape
- Going the extra mile

12. Experiential training / Team building

These and other modules are delivered to fit the specific client’s knowledge gaps Contact us for a personalized proposal